I am sure you all have heard the latest, the docs are now planning on giving statin drugs to kids as young as 8 – probably younger because they might be at risk for high cholesterol.
Let me inform everyone that I am so against this you cannot believe and for many reasons.
Cholesterol is NOT, I repeat NOT, the cause of heart problems. If that were the case people like Tim Russert, who was under doctors care and on Statins, would still be with us – along with people like Jeff Fixx. Triglyceride levels and Blood viscosity levels (which is rarely checked) are more of the culprits for potential heart problems than your cholesterol levels. Docs are watching the wrong indicators!!!
Cholesterol levels were decided by DRUG companies NOT by DOCTORS. It was and continues to be a public relations campaign so that more people will be put on Statins which will increase the Drug companies’ profits. And, it has worked. The Drug companies, namely Merck, did a campaign years ago to lower the level through faulty studies so that they could get more people to use their drugs. Check it out, it’s true. And, now that they have saturated the adult market and mind, they are ready to start on kids – ah drugs forever!!!
Statins have deleterious side effects. Low cholesterol is linked to higher rates of depression in all ages. Statins cause muscle and skeletal issues. With a growing child, you do not want anything to interfere with their growth pattern. Of course, if your kid becomes depressed and their bones ache, what the heck, give them some more drugs for that – you wouldn't want to cut into drug company profits now.
Over the last 20 years, kids spend more time inside than out and gym classes were cut (along with music and art) for some reason. Clearly, less gym and other curriculum classes have not made our kids any smarter. In fact, we are getting dumber and dumber per the statistics. So, how about we: 1. Put back GYM in the curriculum – EVERYDAY.
2. Remove all vending machines unless they contain water or fruit.
3. Get kids away from the electronics (i.e., tv, computer, cell phone) for at least 2 hours/day and have them play outside if possible. Too many electromagnetic devices are unhealthy for the system and besides, it promotes static action and bigger behinds.
4. Take lunch to school (and work) 2-3 times a week or more.
The solutions are rather simple. We just want to make them more complicated which results in the belief that if we throw more money and more drugs at the problem, it will go away. It just makes it worse and more prevalent. Make the change - today.
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