I’m not sure about you, but I’m getting tired of politics and the vitriol and lies that are being bandied about on a daily basis by all sides and the media. Doesn’t anybody tell the truth anymore. Is everyone so narcissistic and power hungry that they will do and say anything?. The problem I have for the most part is how much the public believes the garbage that is thrown out.
I will profess, I have been a news/political junky for most of my life. And, to be fair, I am a Democratic leaning voter. But, I do not want to listen anymore. John McCain continually lies as does his running mate about what they are going to do and what they’ve done. There are women who used to lambast Hillary Clinton and other women who were ambitious as being anti family. Well, you couldn’t have a more anti-family woman that Sarah Palin who has literally left her children to fend for themselves (of course with the help of a nanny, housekeeper and cook) due to her unbridled ambition. . She dropped her Downs Syndrome child off after 3 days for someone else to raise and she has spent little time with him – except in front of the cameras. The hypocrisy is overwhelming to me. She has ambition but no intelligence to accompany it – lots of hot air.
She is not a reformer – nor a maverick anymore than McCain is. Their backgrounds show them as greedy and non-reformers. These are Karl Rove’s words and he, the genius he is, knows how to manipulate the public to believe any garbage he throws at them. And, there is no end to the greed of Madison Avenue that they will contribute to the lies on either side with their ads.
People say they want ethics in government, they want transparency and honesty and yet the public continues to vote for liars, cheats (both McCain and Palin have cheated on their spouses) and big business’ interest to the detriment of their own. Has anyone seen what the current governor/President has done to our economy and our reputation around the world. Does anyone out there realize what has happened to the housing and manufacturing markets?
Wake Up America. It is time for change and voting for the same old people will get you the same old results.
PS – Palin wants the Presidency so much, if she gets the VP position, she will soon find a way to have McCain declared incompetent so she can take over. CAVEAT EMPTOR.
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