Politics and Pain
Current political jibberish in this country, propogated by the vitriolic Right wing talk show hosts, have set American against American. I went through this during the Vietnam fiasco when parents disowned their children for defying the war and refusing to support it. The boomer generation decided that they wanted a break from the old ways. And, the divide grew wider.
It was an exciting, but disturbing time. Many parents and children never spoke again. Some draft age guys (yeah, we had a draft then) left the country of their birth deciding they didn’t want to die in a stupid war. We find ourselves there again. Only this time, the United States started this travesty. And, it hurts us all, emotionally, financially, physically and spiritually.
In spite of Bush’s promises, oil prices are higher than ever – so this invasion didn’t even work to help the average Joe lower his gas costs. This country is in dire financial condition due to this war of no end. And, the Right wingers in the White House and on the radio talk shows are, once again, inferring that anyone against this war (which is most of the American public) and anyone who believes in Global warming and wants to help the environment is anti-American.
These people do not seem to know the Constitution or the Federalist Papers or anything else about what this country represents. What has happened to our great nation. It has, become the country of Capitalism – not Democracy. They are being equated daily in the media and by the White House. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME.
People have been lead to believe if it makes money, if it makes you rich regardless of how the gains are gotten or whatever it does to another individual, then it’s okay. If your financial remunerations are achieved by killing others that you don’t like – or even your own countrymen, so be it. These bombastic pundits and hateful politicians (on the Right) have their goals: MONEY and POWER (maybe Sex). Everything else be damned.
So, once again, this country gets torn apart. The forces of MONEY and GREED against the forces of Honesty and Ethics. The Republican party is far from the party of Morality, which they like to espouse. They are clearly the Immoral Party and the Unethical Party, they’ve just got a better patter than the other side. And, the American public, sadly enough, buys the patter and not the Truth.