I know I am not alone in expressing my anger and frustration over the bail out. I am a big Obama fan and am thrilled the Republicans did not get elected again. I am angry at the way those so called ‘conservatives’ messed up the financial situation along with the moral fiber of this country for the last 8 years. And, to hear them pontificate about how irresponsible the current bail out package is is laughable, considering that the Bush administration opened the US coffers to their buddies and told them to dig in. And, they all did – including Ms. Conservative Sarah Palin.
But, that said, I still see that the current package has minimal oversight just like the previous bailout package did. Why are they now screaming about the AIG execs getting millions in bonuses. Those in charge could have and should have prevented that when AIG got the bail out initially. And, what about these banks- still no oversight.
I want to know why the banks continue to raise our interest rates when we are bailing them out with our money. The bankers have already proven how irresponsible and utterly stupid they are by how they handled their accounting and yet, they still want us to pay more. If they were smart at all, they would lower the interest rates on credit cards for everyone and get the credit business moving again.
In fact, the government should demand that banks set a maximum percentage they can charge – like 10% - on any and all transactions. What is this business with 24% or 36%!!! You can get a better deal with a loan shark.
To not address this issue is another oversight by inept politicians and greedy bankers – and a get rich quick card for the banks and a ‘screw you’ to the taxpayer.
So, scream, holler, write your Congress person. Don’t stand for less oversight. Don’t stand for banks taking you for all they can get. They need us!!! We have laid down and let AIG, COUNTRYWIDE, FANNIE MAE, FREDDIE MAC AND ALL THE BANKS, just roll over on us. If they are giving away our money, these institutions need to start giving back to those who are saving them.
Before too many people get really, really angry and don’t care what they do – the government and bankers need to become human and above all, STOP BEING SO STUPID!!!